
Diamond Fund of Russia

Excursion to the Diamond Fund

Are you crazy about jewelry and gems? Is the story connected for you primarily with such exhibits as the scepter and the imperial crown? We are pleased to offer you an excursion to the Diamond Fund. One of the most fascinating trips within the walls of the Kremlin is a visit to the Diamond Fund. You will learn many interesting facts and see some of the treasures of Russia. The exhibits presented at the exhibition fascinate with their beauty and grandeur. They will be of interest not only to diamond lovers, but also to representatives of both sexes and all ages. Masterpieces of jewelry art, nuggets, precious stones, historical events associated with them you can find out by visiting the unforgettable exhibition of the Diamond Fund.

Individual and group excursions to the Diamond Fund

Founded under Peter I in the 18th century, the collection of the Diamond Fund became available to the public only in 1967.

During the reign of the Romanov dynasty, the collection significantly replenished its stocks. Starting with Peter I, who issued a decree on the storage of state valuables, the collection was replenished with imperial regalia and unique jewelry and ornaments from all over the world. Most of the most valuable exhibits, the fund received during the reign of Elizabeth I and Catherine II. It was for Catherine II that the Great Imperial Crown was made, which is one of the most significant exhibits of the Diamond Fund and the main symbol of the Russian monarchy from 1762 to 1917. For its creation, jewelers used 4936 diamonds, 75 pearls, and a rare spinel stone weighing 398.72 carats crowned the crown. Later, in her likeness, the Small Imperial Crown was made, which is also stored in the Diamond fund. In 1762, under Catherine II, a special room was created for storing numerous treasures, which later became the Diamond Room.

Another exhibit personifying the imperial power in Russia is the orb or “Royal Apple”, also made for Catherine II in 1762. It owes its modern appearance to Paul I, who supplemented it with a Ceylon sapphire weighing 200 carats, placing it under a cross and a large diamond weighing 46.92 carats in the center of diamond belts. Like other imperial regalia, the imperial scepter, created in the same year as the Great Imperial Crown and orb, is of great value. It is decorated with the Orlov diamond, which is the largest in the collection of historical precious stones of the Diamond Fund.

Tickets to the Diamond Fund for foreigners

You will be able to immerse yourself in the world of diamonds and sapphires, see with your own eyes the symbols of royal greatness, and also learn a lot of interesting things from the history of the Russian Empire and the USSR.

Group tours to the Diamond Fund are conducted in Russian and foreign languages. Professional guides will lead an unforgettable visit in the desired language.

You can find out ticket prices and get acquainted with the schedule on our website, as well as by calling our managers at the indicated phone numbers. Remember that all prohibited items, as well as video cameras, canes and tablets, must be left in the luggage room before visiting the Kremlin.

Schedule of excursions to the Diamond Fund

Excursions to the Diamond Fund are held daily except Thursdays and public holidays.

First session at 10:00 am. Lunch break from 13.00 to 14.00 Last session at 17.20. Tours run every 40 minutes.

Duration – 45-50 minutes.

The maximum number of people in one group is 20 people.

Visiting rules:

– you can’t bring backpacks, large bags (even if they are empty), cold weapons, gas cartridges, piercing and cutting objects, food, all the above things BEFORE the appointed time for the group gathering, you must hand it over to the storage room, which located in the Alexander Garden (to the right of the Kutafya Tower and Trinity Bridge);

– you can not take video cameras, canes, tablets with you. All these items must be handed over to the wardrobe;

– Photos and video prohibited


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