
Kremlin Museum

The Kremlin Museum is one of the most important and popular museums in Moscow. It is located in the historical center of the capital on the territory of the Kremlin, which in itself is a unique object of cultural heritage.


The official date of creation of the Kremlin Museum is 1806. At that time, the museum’s collection included icons and paintings from the collection of the Model Chamber, as well as various archival documents and portraits of tsars.

Over time, the museum’s collection has expanded significantly. There are now more than 82 thousand exhibits in its collections, which testify to the rich history of Russia and its cultural heritage.

What to see

One of the most valuable collections of the Kremlin Museum is the collections of ancient Russian iconography and ancient Russian culture. These collections contain famous masterpieces of icon painting, such as “Bogolyubskaya” and “Vladimir” icons. These icons are considered one of the most famous works of ancient Russian culture.

The collection of antique jewelry and jewelry is another significant part of the museum’s fund. It includes unique jewelry that was created in different historical periods.

In addition, in the Kremlin Museum you can see a collection of weapons and combat devices that were used at different times and throughout Russia. In this collection you will find not only different types of weapons, but also armor, shields, spears and much more.

The collection of plaques, badges and medals is another interesting part of the museum’s fund. It includes various insignia and medals that have been issued for various achievements and merits.

In addition to the permanent exhibition of the museum’s fund, which includes all the listed collections, the Kremlin Museum regularly organizes temporary exhibitions on various topics. These exhibitions allow museum guests to learn more about various aspects of the culture and history of Russia, as well as about the culture of other countries.

In addition, the Kremlin Museum hosts various events for visitors. These can be lectures, concerts, workshops, etc. Such events allow the guests of the museum to immerse themselves more deeply in the atmosphere of the history of Russia and its culture.

Visiting the Kremlin Museum is not only an opportunity to learn more about the rich history of Russia and its cultural heritage, but also a unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of antiquity and traditions that continue to live on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin.

However, it should be borne in mind that a visit to the museum can take all day, so it is better to plan such a visit in advance and allocate enough time to inspect all expositions and monuments.

It is also important to take into account some of the features associated with visiting the Kremlin Museum. Firstly, there is a special regime on the territory of the Kremlin, which prohibits the import of certain items there (for example, any kind of weapons, drugs, alcohol, etc.). Secondly, the museum may be closed on some days associated with official events on the territory of the Kremlin.

Is it worth a visit?

The Kremlin Museum is a unique cultural object that allows you to learn more about the rich history of Russia and its cultural heritage. In addition, the museum offers visitors the opportunity to enjoy the unique atmosphere of antiquity and traditions that continue to live on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. The best opportunity to get acquainted with the museum and its collections is a personal visit and enjoyment of unusual exhibits that reveal the centuries-old history of the country.

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